Monday, October 29, 2012

Music and Emotion

Everyone has a different way of expressing emotion. For me I express it through music. If I feel a certain way   I can sing about it and it makes me feel better. Music is so cool to me because there is so many different kinds. Music has so many different sounds and I think that is why I love music. There are over one hundred instruments  Not including the music we can make using our computer. Most albums now are corrected and made to sound better using computers. Technology has come so far and now we are including it in our music. I have looked at trying to figure out how to make dub step remixes with my computer and I have tried a couple websites but I can't get it just right. Music is so complex and interesting. 

My favorite genre of music would have to be either country or pop. Both have such unique sounds and I like them both for different reasons. I love country music because I want to be a country artist. I love country because it can be a typical country song or it can be a country power ballad. I love to sing songs that are like that. I like pop music because it has a good beat and it is one of those genres you can drive around with your friends to. 

No matter what emotion you are feeling music can express it. When you are feeling sad you tend to listen to sad songs because it can pertain to your emotion you are feeling. I know that is what I do. 

I like all kinds of music right now I am in a pretty good so I am listening to Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson. The song puts me in a good mood because of the kind of beat it has. If you listen to an artists voice when they sing you can tell what kind of emotion they are feeling. 

Music can make you feel so many different ways. Any emotion you are feeling can be expressed through music and that is one of the most amazing things to me because for me nothing else can express the way I feel any time of the day. It is one thing I can always count on. 

I have tried to write my own songs, because then I can express myself and exactly what I am feeling but song writing is very hard because there are so many different songs and I always manage to get a song stuck in  my head and I can't help but thinking of that that song when I write my song. 

I hope someday I can find someone who loves music just as much as me. 

Dreams...How do I get there?

Dreams are a great thing to have but if we never put action into the dream what was the point? My dream for a long time now is to be a famous singer. I think about it day and night. I want to go and try out for the X Factor and my friend said I can ride with him, but my mom doesn't want me to go without her so I asked her if she was ever going to take me. She said she wanted to but it will cost a lot of money. I realize it isn't cheap but if it is for your dream wouldn't be worth it? I have wanted to go on the X Factor or American Idol ever since I was a little girl.
I know what song I want to sing my audition, I want to sing Anyway by Martina McBride. I have been preparing for this moment since I was little and I think I am finally ready to achieve it. But it feels like no one is supporting me. I need some support I feel like they don’t want me to do it. I told my parents that if it didn't work out I would go to college but they want me to go to college first. They keep saying they are going to take me but it never happens and now I have a chance and they said no. I mean why do they not want me to go? It is like they don’t want me to achieve my dreams. I don’t get it.
I am sorry for the rampage but I had to get that out I am just very confused and frustrated. If you have any advice for me please leave a comment below.

Friday, October 26, 2012

College, Future Plans, and Dreams

So for a long time I have been wanting to go into music, I just didn't know what kind of music I wanted to go into. I have finally come to a decision that I want to get a major in Music Education and a minor in Music Performance. I love music and decided to get a head start and get some experience. So a friend of mine asked me to teach their son piano lessons. I immediately said yes, our first lesson was last night it went great. I started teaching him some basic theory and then we learned a couple songs. I also play flute so my band director Mrs.Hekkel said I could come in and help one of her younger flute players if I want. I went in this morning to help her and it is so different to see someone just beginning to play flute because I can see myself when I was little and what a struggle is was for me and how far I have come.
I love music with a passion and I will do whatever I can to get more involved before I go to college. I have looked at many schools for college and one of my top schools right now is Minot State University in North Dakota. I can't wait to go to college and get away from high school. High school has way too much drama and there are too many people I can't wait to get out of my life (those who will not be named.) But seriously I can not wait for high school to end. But since I still have another year so I will try and stick it out.
    I plan on chasing my dream and putting as much effort into it as I can. This summer my friend and I are going to go on the X Factor we are either going to go to Denver,Colorado or Tennessee. I plan on auditioning with the song Anyway by Martina McBride. I believe it shows off my voice and shows what I believe and the genre of music I want to be singing. I have been singing ever since I was a little girl and I can’t wait to finally make my dreams come true i tis the best feeling in the world knowing your dreams are only one step away. All my life what I have worked towards,this is going to be it!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Song Writting

When you listen to a song do you ever think of the process it took to write that song. Songwriting is a very precise process. Everyone does it differently, some may start by writing the lyrics and then the music others may start with the music first. But one thing I know for sure about songwriting is the song has to mean something to you or it is going to be very hard to write the song. It is a lot easier to write a song when you can relate to it.
I have wrote many songs over the years the only problem I have with writing is putting the music and the lyrics together. I try to think of what music I want to be with it, but then I start thinking of a different song thinking oh my gosh this is so cool, and then I listen to it and it is not even my song. Songwriting for me is one of the hardest things about music I don’t play guitar so it is very hard to write country music. I play piano but it is so hard to pick out the melody on the piano for me. So anyone out there who writes songs I have a ton of respect for you because I know how hard it is to write the song.
If you have any songs or you would like to share on how your process for writing a song goes leave a comment below.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Hi everyone, a lot of things have been happening this week and I am not really sure how to explain them mabey my next post will make more sense then this one. I know this is confusing I will try to explain in the next post or mabey a song will explain it. Oh and make sure to check out my friends blogs.
If you like Glee then chekc out
If you like everything amazing and random check out
And if you are a Twins fan then check out

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Well the Teddy Talent Trek is not until March. But like I have said in other post I usually start to prepare a few months ahead of time so I can get my performance to be perfect. This year I have looked at doing a power ballad. Some songs I have looked at are songs by Celine Dion, Martina McBride, and Christina Aguilera.

I have sung country for every competition I have ever done so I decided I wanted to do something different. The Teddy Talent Trek is a competition help in Williston, North Dakota. The winner gets to perform the first show at the Medora Musical. I have competed in the talent show for 4 years now. The only problem with the competeition is it seems every year a person from Williston wins. A couple years ago a girl who was dressed in what I assumed was at least a hundred dollar outfit,went up on stage and raps about her beat up car. Now I have nothing against rapping, but she could not rap or sing to save her life. When they called her name for the winning position the entire audience gasped. After that I hadn't really expected to even place. I mainly go for experience just to get the practice of performing so I can prepare for bigger competitions.

I also compete in many other talent shows throughout the year. I compete in our school talent show when I can. But one of my favorite talent shows is the Texaco Showdown. So many country stars started out from the talent show. This year was the first year I had placed. I participated in two showdowns this year one is Wolf Point, Montana and the other in Plentywood, Montana. I recieved second place at both competitions. At Wolf Point I lost first place by one hundreth of a point the guy who won and myself were neck and neck until it came down to bonus points. And he wrote his own songs so he recieved points. Even though I didn't get first place I had the best time. I sang right before intermission when I got done I walked towards the door to get a drink and a few little girls stopped me and asked for my autograph I was so excited no one had ever asked for my autograph. I signed there papers and walked toward the door again but this time a couple of guys my age stopped me and asked for my autograph I was even more surprised my that because I never thought anyone my age would ask for my signiture. Plentywood was great too but I felt amazing leaving Wolf Point that day.

My whole year consisted of second place medals so, my goal for this year is to be able to get first at at least one of my competitions, that's why I thought a power ballad would be a good idea. I love to sing power ballads it shows off my voice alot which would be a good idea. So all I can do now is wait and see.