Tuesday, January 1, 2013

School, Life and Everything Else

Wow it sure has been a while since I have wrote on here. Well I have definitely been busy with school, work and other things. I have been enjoying my Christmas Break way to much and I most definitely do not want to go back. But on the other hand I am excited to see all my friends. I have missed seeing them over the break. I also and going to have to get back into the swing of school life. And on top of that I am suppose to have my wisdom teeth taken out in a couple weeks. Ugh! not excited for that . Oh well, at least tournaments for basketball are coming up. I can’t wait! that’s one of the best things about high school. Getting together with friends and making t-shirts for the games and then cheering on the Culbertson Cowboys and Cowgirls. Well I guess that’s all I will try to write soon. Until then make sure to check out my new youtube video’s. :) http://www.youtube.com/user/musicangle21?feature=mhee